Labels:text | screenshot | human face | editing OCR: Workbench Window Jcons: Tools Utils Apps Gfx 80 Modem Music Prefs Misc Games Shell#11 RAM: MUIPrefs 11.RAM:> This is a snapshot of my Workbench as I use MCPPrefs it. It is ONLY 8 COLORS (MWB palette) with DOpus5, Sysihack, ToolManager, MCP, KingKon, ToolsPrefs and ToolsDaemon visible (a complete list of ManagerPrefs RAM the commodities and patches I run is provided in the included guide. MagicSelector 44 PalettePrefs 45 CF WBPattern DiamondPrefs Opus System3. 0 GoPal GONTSC 5 GOMWB8 218 GOMWB16 Work Work 80% full, 51M free, 3D Graphics Education - Utilities ModemUtils Music Games SC Temp